LEX News

Energy Savings Potential of SSL in Horticultural Applications

A new DOE report examines the energy-saving potential of LED lighting in horticultural applications. All three main categories of indoor horticulture were investigated: supplemented greenhouses, which use electric lighting to extend the hours of daylight, supplement low levels of sunlight on cloudy days, or disrupt periods of darkness to alter plant growth; non-stacked indoor farms, where plants are grown in a single layer on the floor under ceiling-mounted lighting; and vertical farms, where plants are stacked along vertical shelving to maximize grow space, and the lighting is typically mounted within the shelving units.

Bryan Medical Center Partners with OSRAM Digital Lighting Systems to deliver an improved lighting experience for medical staff and patients.

Bryan Medical Center facilities total approximately 3 million square feet across two campuses and lighting control requirements vary within the space. A flexible, reliable, forward-thinking system that could support a wide range of environments and lead Bryan Health into the future was required. Although each campus is managed separately, a user-friendly, centralized lighting control system with advanced data visualization and dashboards was essential.

Danish care home looking at circadian lighting's potential to improve health of dementia residents

An elderly care home in Denmark is teaming with academic, industry and municipal researchers to determine whether a new circadian lighting system improves the health and quality of life of the center’s dementia residents.

Integrated controls deliver on human-centric lighting objectives in 2018

The start of every New Year is a time for building owners, managers, and homeowners to make the improvements or upgrades they’ve been considering for weeks, months, or maybe since last New Year. In 2017, lighting controls, shading, and building systems technologies made great strides in areas of human-centric lighting (HCL), user experience, mobility, integrated shading and lighting, and more.

Boston Consulting Group, Los Angeles, CA - Targetti

The lighting design for this business consulting firm was awarded an Lumen Award of Excellence for Interior Lighting Design.  Oculus Light Studio’s core beliefs of “partnership and transformation by integrating lighting within the architecture to transform it into a sustainable, enjoyable, and open environment” helped to secure this award of distinction from the IESNA.