Industry Topics
August 03, 2018
Huffington Post
A recap of a 2016 study that revealed what kind of lighting may best support academic performance.
Industry Topics
August 02, 2018
Electrical Contractor
In June, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
released the results of a studyinvestigating a group of new LEDs claiming efficacies exceeding 200 lumens per watt (LPW). While all the LEDs performed within 12 percent of their stated efficacies, observers frequently complained of glare and visual discomfort—problems that were more prevalent in products with the highest tested efficacy.
Technology Advancements
August 01, 2018
The Economist
Lighting fixtures that also transmit data are starting to appear, referred to as Li-Fi. This article provides a great overview of why this technology may be a great fit for hospitals, airplanes, and streetlamps.
Codes & Compliance
July 31, 2018
The USGBC is introducing LEED v4.1, an incremental update to the LEED rating systems. Designed to be more inclusive and incorporate all of the lessons learned from LEED v4, LEED v4.1 delivers a bigger, stronger, and bolder solution for the green design of existing buildings, residential projects, and cities.
Codes & Compliance
July 30, 2018
Lighting Controls Association
In 2017, the International Code Council published the 2018 version of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which has been updated every three years since 2000. This 2018 version reduces lighting power allowances, broadens mandatory controls requirements, and issues clarifications.