LEX News

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Addendum BB Open for Public Review Until September 17, 2018

The ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1 Lighting Subcommittee has revised the structure for determining recommended lighting power density levels, for the first time aligning with the IES Handbook and Recommended Practices.

Portland Japanese Garden Wins 2018 IES Illumination Award

The lighting design, created by Luma Lighting Design, was inspired by traditional Japanese ceremonies,  and includes unobtrusive systems that highlight nature and complement the changing seasons.

Lighting Controls in the Time of Low Lighting Power

James R. Benya, PE, FIES, FIALD, asks some interesting questions about the direction of the lighting industry and offers his invaluable insight. 

2018 AL Design Awards: George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater

Commendable Achievement • Whole Building

Circadian lighting has Danish night nurses sleeping better

Nurses from two Danish hospitals have reaffirmed that avoiding blue frequency light at night can help with sleep.