LEX News

Nevada's New License Plate Celebrates Dark Skies Conservation

Some exciting news for local stargazers: Nevadans can look forward to a new license plate option that celebrates the beauty of our dark skies.

New 400W Replacement in ED18 Shape

Current's new 180W LED ED18 lamp delivers 30,000 lumens to replace 400W HPS, making it possible to upgrade more applications to LED without replacing an entire fixture. The existing fixture is wired to bypass the ballast, which reduces energy use and eliminates the need to check ballast compatibility.

AIRA Open Center Linear Luminaire

Scale without weight. Aira is an open center linear pendant with on board technology and exceptional photometric performance.

Selectable LED HID Family Expansion

LumenChoice® + SpectraChoice™ Selectable ED37, ED28 & ED23.5 LED HID Lamps offer unmatched flexibility in a single lamp, and feature built-in switches to change wattage and color temperature, no tools required.

EXO SGC Sling Canopy

Commercial grade LED canopy luminaire for use in outdoor applications such a commercial building, retail, government, and educational facilities.