For the past four years running, David Radulescu, Ph.D., has spoken on patent issues facing the LED lighting industry during the week of LightFair. These privately-hosted meetings have been well attended by LED lighting companies interested in learning more about the increasing threat of patent litigation to their businesses. Last Thursday, your humble editor sat in his most recent webinar. Dr. Radulescu discussed developments in IP litigation over the past year.
DALLAS – September 23, 2020 – Dallas Market Center announces a new lighting trade event and educational platform for architectural, specification and design communities debuting in fall 2021. The first ArchLIGHT Summit will take place September 21-22, 2021, in the Dallas Trade Mart, already home to the permanent marketplace for the semi-annual Lightovation, the largest residential lighting show in North America.
The Senior Center in Central Park is a focal point for a multitude of programs and services important to the quality of life for the seniors in the Huntington Beach community. The Center is a multi-purpose facility and offers opportunities for involvement and companionship with a wide range of social, recreational, and educational programs promoting wellness.